Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Chronically Ill meets Caretaking

Each week, in the medblog world there is a phenomenon known as Grand Rounds. A Blogger cleverly puts together assortment of various and sundry entrants of the best of the medical blogsphere.

This week, Grand Rounds was hosted by The Happy Hospitalist.

I found one of my favorite bloggers at Grand Rounds quite a while back. ChronicBabe. Since then, we've become 'friends' on facebook as well as Twitter.

ChronicBabe is a website for those dealing with Chronic Illnesses ...but this blog entry is a particularly well thought out post for those who are chronically ill who suddenly (or not so) find themselves dealing with the issue of also caring for someone else who is chronically ill.

There is excellent advice in there. Some, I don't always follow it ..some I follow to the letter. If you are a caretaker this is a must read.

If you are a caretaker with a chronic illness ..this is a MUST READ.

If you have a chronic illness ...go take a look around Chronicbabes .. it's a nice time out of the day. Like chocolate on a tough day.

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Blogger Wendy said...

Thanks for the info re chronicbabes. Have checked it superficially and so far, so good. Will do an indepth soon.
Hugs - have a great week.

June 9, 2008 at 7:19 PM  

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