Thursday, September 11, 2008

Sandwich Generation

I'm beginning to truly understand and grasp the full meaning of this expression and I think my head is going to explode with the pressure of it.

My mother totalled her car yesterday. With no way of getting it replaced. We only have one car. When something goes wrong with ours, we borrow hers. So her car is our back up car.
We were a bit concerned with her totalling the car and it being our back up car.

Our son has a rotten driving record and we've not been able to get him his own car. (he's buying it, but but we have to take him to get it ... and we've not had the time or ..well ...we've just not done it.)

My husband is sitting talking about how much trouble we're going to be in if Samuel wrecks our car again. 3 times in the last 6 months he's wrecked our car. 2 times seriously.

He has bent the frame 2 times ... $1000 a pop! (yes, he's paying for it, but paying our credit card back)

He'd also jammed the door closed that was going to cost $600 to fix, but we were getting the $2000 paid off before worrying about getting the door fixed.

So, Don is talking about how much trouble we'd be in if he wrecked the car ... and the phone rings ....

Dad .... it's raining ...and someone cut me off ...

he hit the concrete barrier on the free way ... it took him 15 minutes on the phone to admit he was sitting in the ambulance.

He's bruised ... he's shaken ... he had a fireman's witness that a car did indeed cut him off ..and he was not ticketed.

He doesn't get that he doesn't realize that he may not be legally at fault ...but he is RESPONSIBLE ...

He could have killed himself ..or someone else.

She doesn't realize that she could have killed herself ..or someone else ...

Teenager boys and elderly drivers ...

no wonder their insurance is so high!

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Well ...

Mom made the news! And it's not good news .... At least in my family fued going on I got an email before I found out on the news! (although I'd not know because they didnt' have video feed or say who it was).

She hit the gas instead of the break ... ran over a tree ... a bike rack and into a light pole!

totalled her car.

her airbags deployed.

She had slowed down enough to park ..and yet accelerated enough to plow over a tree, a bike rack and get the airbags deployed.


Thank GOD there were no children in her pathway!

She will not have enough money to replace the car, so she is carless .... no more wheels. So we do not have to take away the keys.


If somehow, she gets restless and tries to get another car, I will get the keys, by hook or by crook, I will. She's already not talking to me over my niece, it can't get any worse.

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